Posts by [S-RDAF] MIL

    That sounds awesome.

    As things look right now, I will be overall mission commander.

    I will need to be able to coordinate with you prior the actual brief. I need some kind of forum to do this during the up comming weeks.

    Therefor I have created the " S-RDAF Joint Ops" group on Facebook to those of you who used Facebook. It is a place to start until we all agree on a common solution.

    Bei Facebook anmelden

    Just write something like (Bulls or 161 or something for me to recognize you as VJS-161)

    If you allready know who will be OCA Lead please let me know.

    Ziri If you have any stuff you want to coordinate with me regarding control let me know. you are obviously my C2 Package lead :)


    Naming convention:

    Most southern SA-2 Guideline will be referenced as " SA-2 SOUTH"

    Codewords used by SNAKE and STALLION"

    STALLION will call the following:

    "BAR IS OPEN" Area is clear of Air to air threats and SNAKE can leave HOLD for the attack

    "BAR IS CLOSED" Area is no longer clear and SNAKE should proceed south and wait for “BAR IS OPEN” call.

    "SNAKE SPIN/LEAN" SNAKE will proceed as directed

    “LAST CALL” STALLION is 5 min until RTB due to weapons/fuel

    STALLION 1 will have SPIN/LEAN authority over SNAKE

    SNAKE will call the following

    “WHISKY” SNAKE is established in the HOLD

    "TEQUILA" Directing TIGER 2 to DEAD SA-2 SOUTH

    Any changes, comments or spears let me know and I will update this post accordingly

    SNAKE 1


    Hey all
    I will be SNAKE 1 (ESCORT/TARCAP) for STALLION flight on Sunday 3rd

    Do we know who is going to be STALLION 1? I would like to start up the planning cycle.

    I'm thinking that we could add each other on messenger, to square out small stuff that occurs during planning and during week.

    Let me know
