Congratulations with your 20th years as a virtual wing

  • Hello Mad bull's

    A big congratulation on your 20th years as a virtual wing. What a ride is has been. So many things has been updated over the years, the level of realism has increased and with that, the skills needed to operate the systems in the aircraft also made it a challenge to master. I wish all the best for the future of the Mad bull's. :birthday

    S-RDAF will also turn 20 years next year in June. What an amazing journey it has been and whatever lies ahead of us I'm sure many more years of learning and enjoying this sim will be in front of us.


    • Official Post

    Many thanks for the congratulations!

    Yes, a long time indeed. A lot has happened and changed, but the falcon is still alive ::p

    The great thing about this hobby is that you get to work with a lot of guys who share the same quirk. And you have a lot of fun with them! No doubt there will be one or two Squadron anniversaries to celebrate in the future :beer2